Guinea Pig Manual v1.1

Guinea Pig Manual v1.1

Requirements : 2.2 and up

Overview : This is the first user friendly and concise (and fun) Guinea Pig Instructions Manual for Android devices.


User of this manual will become expert in:

- Feeding the cavy the right food, and avoiding the potentially harmful food

- Guinea pig sounds and noises - what your pet is trying to tell you

- Choosing and arranging guinea pig cage - sizes, types, cleaning instructions

- Choosing and combining comfortable bedding materials

- Signs and symptoms of health and illnesses

App Features:

- essential facts and precise instructions about guinea pig care

- quick instructions for those who need the basics fast

- intuitive navigation and content structure

- lots of nice descriptive graphics

- guinea pig care test with random questions for the evaluation of your knowledge

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heartwork — Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:19 am

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